Truthfulness runs in my family, apparently. Out of the mouths of babes, they say. Let me take you back a bit and tell you about some fierce honesty I got from my 5 year old. When the kids were planning their Halloween costumes, they decided on the “Jake and the Neverland Pirates” theme. Number 1 would be Izzy, Number 2 would be Jake and Number 3 would be Cubby. “Daddy you can be Captain Hook and Mommy you will be Mr. Smee.” Why do I have to be Mr. Smee??? “Cause you are fat like Mr. Smee.” Oh my. I have had 3 kids and I am no skinny girl. But ouch, that one hurt. Realizing that she didn’t even smirk when she said it made me see that she was just telling it like it is. Who needs a mirror, really?
Three nights later we are lying in bed reading a book and giggling and she says to me, “mommy why do you have all those crumples on your forehead?” Ok, look. I am not that old. Fat and crumply are not adjectives that I was hoping to have used to describe me at this juncture of my life! I laughed her off, tried to explain the crumples as best I could and moved on with the giggling.
Needless to say, I have since joined an inexpensive gym and bought a living social deal for botox!! Here comes the TRUTH from me. I joined the gym 3 months ago and I have been 3 times. At this rate, I can be Fat Albert this Halloween.
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